Saturday, October 13, 2012

So Far So Good!

I believe the lunches below are from the second week of school and so good.  I learned that left overs are TOTALLY ok to take for lunch (especially if it's my hubby's home made Mac-N-Cheese) or Orange Chicken from our favorite Thai Restaurant, Bai Plu. Lunch can still be fun even without all of the cutesy additions. 
Mac-N-Cheese (Home Made) from my son's birthday party that weekend. My husband made a huge pan and we had some left over. The boys didn't hesitate to answer "YES!" when I asked them if this was ok for their lunch. That's banana bread from a filipino bakery in the upper left corner. BEST Banana bread...EVER. 

Rainbow PB&J Sandwiches. Lunch was in techni-color this day!!
Raspberries and Cantaloupe added a nice punch of color.
Thanks to the boys auntie for supplying the bread.

One of my favorite carb items at Traders Joe's: Mini Pita Pockets.
I stuffed them with honey ham and cheese and little bit of dressing inside.
The stars are roasted sweet potatoes. I cut the stars, tossed them in some EVOO, added a pinch of salt and broiled for about 15 mins while flipping in between. Easy-Peasy.

This was a little snack I packed for them. Homemade blueberry muffins and apple/carrot sauce.
(Note to self: My boys are not fans of the apple/carrot sauce.)

Orange Chicken, rice balls, (orange) Carrots, (orange) Cantaloupe.
I kinda went crazy on the orange theme that day but not on purpose. It's what was
stocked in the fridge (HONEST!).

The egg. If you squint hard enough and tilt your head to the right you just might make out the shape of a heart. The egg was too small for the mold that I used. Who knew egg size mattered for these molds. Not me.