Friday, September 20, 2013

Lunch Time Fun

 Welcome back everyone!  Here is this week's round up of our lunches.  Things finally slowed down for us which was nice compared to last week.  But the homework is still here...darn. 
Speaking of last week, I forgot to post the picture of the birthday cakes I made for my kiddo:

Tada! He requested 3 cakes to be themed after the movie, Pitch Perfect. It's been his favorite movie for a while now.  Ok, he's obsessed with it. He loves to sing along!  And you might ask, "Did you eat all 3 cakes?" Haha! Not a chance! It took us all week just to finish 1, and these are small cakes (6in rounds).  I don't want to see cake for a really long time... 

We were still in birthday mode on Monday, so I sent the boys to school with  pizza left over from the party (yay), fruit, and some cake (double YAY).

Again, we love all things Disney! Those are little Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets! Find the hidden Mickey!  Apple slices, Triscuits, and yogurt pretzels too.

Close up of our mini waffle sandwiches inspired by Momables Lunches. I thought these waffles were just too cute. I felt like I was waffle paparazzi taking these pictures.

And here is the complete lunch. For the waffle sandwiches I made some with PB&J and some with strawberry cream cheese.  They were actually really good! I also include some cheese and turkey roll ups and strawberries.

Super start lunch because I'm so proud of my boys! Whole wheat thin sandwich with turkey and Colby cheese (hold the mayo mom!), cantaloupe, strawberries, half of a granola bar and string cheese. 

Chicken Nugget Burrito per my boys request. That's right - chicken nuggets & fat free refried beans wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.  I honestly do not know where they came up with that idea.  But they have been asking me since the summer to make this for them.  Today, I FINALLY gave in.  To me, it was just weird.  But, when I asked them how they liked it... "IT WAS SO GOOD!!"  Ha! Ha! That's my boys for you.

Thank you again so much for stopping by and checking out our lunches!  I hope you enjoyed them as much as my kids did!  

I'm trying to think ahead to what's on the menu for next week.  I'm hoping no other weird food requests.  

Do your kids ask for "unusual lunches?"   
Share below in the comments! I would love to hear them!


  1. Ohh wow!! You can come and make my lunches for me....hehehe They're fab x

    1. Thanks Kim!!! Sure come on by!! =) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. The chicken nugget burrito actually sounds pretty interesting! I might make it for my boyfriend!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Angel!! Come back and let me know how he liked it. =)

  4. Love the creative lunches you are making! Thank you for linking to 15 Minute Fridays!

