One of my favorite things about making bento lunches ... are the supplies!! There are tons of different boxes, punches, sandwiches cutters, food picks (the list is endless) that are available to buy. I've only started making bento's since this September and my collection of items has grown SO much. (Too much probably in my husband's opinion!). You can click
here to see my previous purchase.
I know I've mentioned the Daiso store before but I wanted to show you some of the bento supplies that they carry for $1.50 each. I bought these items at the beginning of October.
Here is the store front. Inside is lit with fluorescent lighting and neon pink trim. SUPER BRIGHT.
These are just some of the many different bento boxes that they have available. They have a whole isle full. I had a really hard time deciding which ones to get. Choices! Choices!
Need silicone cups or baking cups? This is the place to get them. They have a collection of different themes, shapes, sizes and colors perfect for your kidlets lunch.
And this was my purchase. I didn't go too overboard because I really wanted to get just a few items.
Above is a strawberry bento box( there's a medium and a small size box), 2 more bento boxes, some silicone cups, heart picks, a knife to cut designs with and a nori punch.
Fast forward to the end of October. I've been seeing these Cute-Z-Cute cutters in different bentos online but I knew that Daiso would not carry this item. The items below I ordered from AllThingsOnSale.Com. Shipping is $6.00 flat. Me, being the inpatient person that I am, paid the extra $3.00 to have it expedited. My items came in the mail on 11/2 but were were out of town. It's now 11/7 and they are STILL in their packaging! I time I won't be so impatient. The only reason I ordered these online is because I know that I can't find these in store anywhere.

1. Food cups and food dividers
2. Sandwich cutters! Cute huh? They make 4 mini sandwiches.
3. This is one of my favorites. Food picks that resemble little hats and bow ties. Imagine the possibilities!
4. "More food picks?" As my older son said when he was watching me go through all my goodies.
Yes. MORE!
5. Mustache picks. I need to think of some thing clever for these!
6. & 7. Fall themed picks - for that fall theme bento that I will eventually make before the season is over.
8. Cute-Z-Cute cutter. I can make a panda, cat, frog, bear shaped food. I've seen Angry Bird piggies made with these cutters so that I'll have to attempt as well.
My bento supplies are starting to look like my scrapbooking supplies, endless. But this is the fun part for me aside from creating different lunches. =) The kids get to eat & enjoy it. It's a Win-Win for all of us!